The moon is a symbol of the universe's endless possibilities. 
We're here to explore them.
The moon has always inspired awe and curiosity in people. It's a natural place to start when contemplating about the possibilities in life and in the universe.
The moon is an earthly representation of an idea or feeling that inspires a sense of wonder. Our lives are like moons, small in the vastness of the universe, but enduring and beautiful in their own right. Like the moon, the human experience is both awe-inspiring and humbling at the same time.
This artwork was created to inspire people with the message that your dreams don't have to end just because the challenges you face look insurmountable. And just like the astronaut who's holding the moon in his arms, we all have the power to persevere and reach new heights if we have the courage to follow our hearts and the courage to fight for what we believe in.
The contrasting colour of the night blue sky and the yellow moon will draw the attention of anyone who sees it. Similarly, the brightness of our dreams and the darkness surrounding us sometimes remind us of how powerful hope can be in adversity. Art prints are available now. Order here.
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